So I should start typing some of these funny things Tristen has been coming out with... So a few things to document
About a week ago, we were having dinner and Tristen took his peas that were on his plate and started moving them all to the other side of his plate with his hands, I said to him "Lets not play with our food honey" His response "I move it other side, Honey" HA HA! I was like... WHAT!!!!!
The next day, I went to pick him up at his daycare... his teacher says to me do you know what your son said today... I wasnt sure if I wanted to know or not but he had asked to sit on the potty, he isnt potty trained but will sit on it there with all the other kids doing it, so he sat down and look at her and said "I no go, I just fart" HOLY COW!!!!! I was first floored b.c neither Hayden or myself say that word, we usually say toot!!!!!
A couple other things I have caught him doing... Putting his trains in "time out" going up to them bending over and yelling... BAD! NO! We dont talk to him like that either when he goes to time out but it was funny... the next day it was his Moose and he picked it up and put it up to his face and started talking to it.... we do that after he is done, get down to his level and talk to him why he was in time out but him doing it was pretty funny.
I also heard him this morning playing and talking and he kept saying something and then counting to three... as in when we warn him to do something and then count to three..... he is a riot and SPONGE to say the least right now!